Saturday, August 1, 2015

Clarity, Part 2

1. Needed words
2. Dangling Modifiers
3. Emphasis
4. Variety

1. After reading the chapter on Needed Words, I understood how ONE word can affect a sentence. I went through my paper ad found a few sentences that needed to be revised by adding needed words, and I also added a few sentences with needed words. One example is "This paper will provide a detailed analysis of this issue and the opinions of others on this important topic." In this sentence, I added "the" in front of "opinions" because it doesn't make sense to have "this issue... this opinions."
2. In the Dangling Modifiers chapter, I learned how to revise sentences that give false impressions to the reader, for example I changed the sentence "Establishing credibility allows Neighmond to gain trust in her audience," to "Quoting  professionals about this issue allows the audience to trust the author of this article." In the original sentence, it made it seem as if the author was trusting her audience, however I intended for the audience to trust the author. 
3. Another chapter I found helpful for my writing is the one on Emphasis because I understand how important it is to coordinate ideas that are similar. An example of this is in the following sentence: "According to her article, it is very important for children to exercise at least an hour a day, however a majority of teenagers do not get that hour of physical activity each and every day." In this sentence I use ",however" to link the two ideas into one sentence.
4. Variety is one chapter I found helpful with revising my writing because sentence variety spices up a paper, and allows the reader to stay engaged throughout the text. One sentence I revised was "After reading this part of the article, the audience would feel guilty for not encouraging their children to be more physically active at home or at school," because it was a little boring. The revision of the sentence is: "A feeling of guilt may fall upon the audience after reading this part of the article as they realize their are not encouraging their children to be more physically active." To me, this sentence is less boring!

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