Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Final Letter

Dear class,

Before taking first year composition courses at the University of Arizona, I thought I knew everything I needed to know in order to succeed in these courses, but I was wrong. I expected that by knowing the basic outline for a five paragraph essay, how to find sources for assignments, and how to write an introduction/conclusion, that I was going to have it easy in my English 101 and 102 classes. However, I soon realized there was still so much I hadn’t learned. Throughout the past 5 weeks, I have learned so much information about being a writer and a reader. Some of the most important things I have learned during this course include: identifying the type of reader and writer I am, approaching writing situations from a practical standpoint, and learning what a genre is and how to use different genres in my writing.

This course has made me realize that I am a writer who enjoys writing about topics that interest me. If a topic does not interest me, it becomes more difficult for me to write an excellent paper. When I am reading a book, article, or a paper on a boring topic, it is hard for me to stay focused on the reading material and then I get lost with what I am reading about. In high school I disliked most of my English writing assignments because they were never on topics that were of interest to me. For example, when I was a Freshman, I had to write a literary analysis on the Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This was definitely one of the most boring essay topics I have ever written about! The assignments throughout this course have made me realize that I actually enjoy writing. I like being able to research topics that interest me and discuss different views of issues that are happening in today’s world. I believe that having an opinion on a subject that interests you is important because your voice makes a difference. Voicing your opinion on a subject that you have an emotional connection with allows others to understand the importance of an issue.

My writing process has become easier because of everything I have learned from this course. I have been able to gather enough information from credible sources for my papers. Before this course, I had never written an annotated bibliography. I think that these bibliographies help me write outlines of papers because I can look back at the short summaries to see which source fits in with my claims. I have provided a link to my first annotated bibliography here. Using clusters to help with my prewriting and planning stages in my writing processes have allowed me to succeed in writing a first draft for my papers. I used a cluster to help write my paper on police brutality. Revising my work based on reader’s feedback has helped me write successful final drafts. I enjoy reading comments from my peers and instructors because they are able to provide me with important suggestions on how I can improve my work. Reading my peers’ blog posts and drafts of major projects has allowed me to understand the peer-review process in greater detail. I feel more comfortable providing feedback for my peers and giving them suggestions on how to improve their work. In one of my peer’s project 3 drafts, I stated that “The first sentence sounds a bit choppy. I would say “Let our children get the help they need to succeed by getting… etc” (Newland, 2015). By giving my peer suggestions on how to revise their paper, I am able to help them write a better final draft.  

I have learned that there are different genres of text you can use besides writing an essay. Genres may be blog posts, letters, articles, presentations, among other things. In one of my major projects I decided to use Prezi, a presentation software, as my genre because it worked well with my intended audience. My presentation was about childhood obesity in schools across the United States and my audience was focused on parents. I think that it is important to be able to identify the conventions of a reading because it has helped me understand the text as well as analyze and identify people or groups involved with it. I learned that conventions can be professional like in a Quick Reference Guide because they are trying to appeal to a scholarly audience. Or they can be unprofessional like an opinion on a blog post. I have learned so much from this class, however, there are still several things that I need to work on.

After taking this course, I still do not completely get the hang of is using rhetorical strategies intensely in my writing. I understand that rhetorical strategies are used in order for the author to achieve their message and purpose, and I know that there are three types of strategies known as Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. What I am still trying to achieve in my own writing is how to successfully illustrate my message and purpose in my own writing by using rhetorical strategies. It is difficult for me to persuade my audience using these strategies, and I am hoping that in the future, I will be able to achieve this goal in my writing. 


Selena Carbajal

Works Cited Page

Newland, Brittany (2015). Project 3 draft. Google Docs. Retrieved from

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