Thursday, July 23, 2015

Evaluation of Rhetorical Situations

Text 1: Most Teens Aren't Active Enough, And It's Not Always Their Fault

Author/ Speaker: The author of this text is Patti Neighmond, National Public Radio's health policy correspondent. She is also an award-winning journalist who has won several awards including the George Foster Peabody Award and the Robert F. Kennedy Award. Patti received her Bachelor's in English and drama from the University of Maryland and now lives in Los Angeles with her family. 

Audience: The intended audience of this text is parents and educators or people who work for the education system, specifically people in charge of physical education programs at schools. These people care about their child's health or the health of other children. The text talks about physical activity among teens and children and how they do not receive enough of it, which lead me to believe the intended audience was parents and people involved with physical education. 

Context: The date of publication is February 3, 2014. The medium used to deliver this message was media, specifically a radio station. Contemporary events that may have shaped the author's views and audience's responses could be the rise of child obesity in U.S. school districts. One social movement related to the topic is Let's Move! created by First Lady Michelle Obama. This movement was initiated to help end child obesity and create a stronger and healthier generation of children. The city in which this text was published is San Diego, California. Another related article is To Get Kids Exercising, Schools Are Becoming Creative by Maanvi Singh. 

Text 2: The impact of Arizona’s education budget cuts

Author/ Speaker: This text was written by Alexandra Muller Arboleda, a former water lawyer and second grade school teacher/ logic teacher.

Audience: I think the intended audience for this text is students who are able to understand the effects budget cuts have on their education in Arizona. Parents of children who are effected by these budget cuts may also be part of the audience because they care about their child's education.

Context: This text was published on March 18, 2015. The medium used to deliver this message is an online magazine called Raising Arizona Kids. The recent budget cuts serve as the events that have shaped the author's views and audience's responses.

Text 3: Parent Involvement in Education- What Really Matters Most? 

Author/ Speaker: Jean Johnson is the author of this text and she is a Senior Fellow and Special Advisor for the Public Agenda organization. She has worked with this organization for over a decade and has authored several texts on education, health care, the federal budget, and other works.

Audience: I believe the audience for this work is mainly for parents because it discusses the benefits of students having parents involved with their schooling. I believe this author's intention is to get more parents involved with their student's education in order for them to have a successful future.

Context: This text was published on September 8, 2014 and the medium is on a blog on the Public Agenda organization website. is one social movement related to this text because it helps encourage parents to get involved in their child's education.

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