Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reflection on Project 1 Draft.

I have not had the chance to review Helen's QRG at this time.

  • My peers along with my teacher are my audience for this Quick Reference Guide. 
  • My readers might take one side over the other in this controversy. Some of them may feel that police have mistreated their suspects, while others may believe that officers use lawful force against their suspects. My QRG does not favor one side over another in my paper which respects their opinions. 
  • I believe my readers value their opinions and views on this controversy. They may expect to learn about police brutality and the different incidents involving accusations against police mistreatment and police-related homicides. I adequately meet these expectations as I provide information on these topics. 
  • I need to give my audience enough information on the controversy to be able to understand both sides of this issue. I believe that a couple or few paragraphs on  different key points of the issue will be enough information for my readers. I will however, provide more information on police training in my QRG because one of my peers suggested adding more information on this topic. 
  • Language that is appropriate for my audience is simple and contains law enforcement terms that most people know nowadays, an example would be "taser or tasering/tasing."
  • The tone of my controversial analysis is more formal because of the seriousness of this topic. Some people may believe the tone is emotional when reading the police-related homicides because of the brutality of the events.  

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